The Virus Project
  4 Forms of Intelligence
Gaston Naessens observed this under his dark field microscipe:
Somatite <=> fungus <=> virus <=> microbe.
Depending on conditions the one life form could transform into the other.
Note that this was not only forward (evolution) but also backward (regression).

In our body we experience that we are human.
Yet if circumstances change we fall back on animal/reptilian behaviour.
If conditions change we can even fall back on vegetative/plant response.
Ultimately we, our life, is always based on cellular functioning.

Lynn Margulis postulated that our Eukaryote cell arose from a fusion:
AnaĆ«robic, Hydrobic, AĆ«robic and Photosynthesising microbes merged 
This 'fused' the capacity to interact with Earth, Water, Air and Light.
In Chinese lore this is called the Dragon, the 'mastery over the  Elements'.

In our body we experience this at the level of cell communication.

Proteins are the molecules that pertain to physical material structure (classical science)
Enzymes are the molecules that pertain to chemical molecular processes (relativistic science)
Hormones are the molecules that pertain to electromagnetic atomic transformation (probabilistic science)
Pigments are the molecules that pertain to light phase information (unified science)

The level of quantum phase change is 0D
The level of atomic electron leaps is 1D
The level of molecular electron flow is 2D
The level of material electron bonding is 3D

The somatite stage in life development is 0D - point intelligence
The fungus stage in life development is 1D - linear intelligence
The virus stage in life development is 2D - cyclic intelligence
The microbial stage in life development is 3D - integral intelligence

Our forebrain operates 0D point focus intelligence
Our left brain operates 1D linear logic intelligence
Our right brain operates 2D planar perspective/projective intelligence
Our hindbrain operates 3D holographic integral intelligence

System theory, a recapitulation of alchemy, shows this 4D logic.
We see that the somatite, fungus, virus and micribe are our ancestors.
All of these still live/operate in/around our body.
We (can) all process at the spore, fungal, viral and microbial level.
Our body is a Bio-Hologram created/projected by your Zygote.
Peter Gariaev showed that DNA is a compressed 'holographic plate'.
Bruce Lipton showed that DNA accumulates new/ancestral life experience.
Suzy Vrobel suggested that Zygote unfoldment is a Time Fractal.

A hologram is form of 'braided light' - a phrase used by Dan Winter.
A flash is mirrorred, and mirrored again, to form a coherent light beam.
A wave then forms a wave train with a wave envelope forming a soliton.
In a same manner the zygote replicates/unfolds forming (y)our body.

Therein, every cell-division is a cell-decision.
This is not a material mechanical proces but an interactive dynamic.
It is not operated by 'laws of matter' but by principles of information communication ('light').
It operates the essence of life: freedom of choice.

Our body operates at the tipping point of 4D phase change.
It is the 4D equivalent of the Triple Point of water.
It is the 4D Zipper of Manifestation: Photon-leap <=> Electron-leap <=> Electron-oscillation <=> Electron-bonding.
It is the transition/transmulation from quantum to atom to molecule to matter.

Tetryonics shows that only the quantum (phase information in formation) field can form/move matter.
Therefore it is the light field in the body that defines body regulation.
The electromagnetic body regulation defines the body physiology.
The chemistry of physiology determines the physical body anatomy.

The body anatomy is a materialised hologram projected by the body cells.
The body cells are a holographic unfoldment of the Zygote, your first cell.
The fractal unfolding of the Zygote is a holographic projection from DNA.
DNA is a material condensate of your/ancestral holographic life information.
  Cell Electro Magnetic Transmutation
Cells are able to (trans)form molecules.
The previous post describes how they form body materials.
The post before that how matter exusts in 4 Dimensions.
This post addresses how cells (trans)form matter.

Knowledge of Tetryonics is required.
Tetryonics models how quanta form matter.
It shows that matter is formed and moved by quantum (EM) fields.
It shows that this involves linear ("KEM") and circular ("BEM") quantum flux.

Cells are able to operate both forms of quantum flux.
Circular quantum flux is used to reposition Molecules/Atoms/Tetryons.
Linear quantum flux is used to s(p)lice Molecules/Atoms/Tetryon-clusters. describes in detail what principles are at work.


  The Transmutation of Body Materials
All Body Materials are produced by Living Cells.
All body materials serve the optimisation of cell communication.

Body Materials form an extension/part of our 4D Cell Communication.
Our "Body" is the Motherboard for communication of a cell Colony.

Body Language (Cell Communication) is electromagnetic.
Body Materials are all selectively "electro-responsive".

Piezo-electric - pressure <=> electron cloud release.
Liquid-crystal - form-change <=> electron flow
Transistor - electron pressure <=> electron flow direction
Intelligent-gel - electron field <=> structural shape

As the alchemists described: the quintessence is the essence.
The quintessence is the quantum change.
It can cascade from the quantum field ("Fire") to atoms ("Air") to molecules ("Water") to matter ("Earth").
They referred to quantum phase change, atomic ion cloud, molecular electron flow, and material bound electrons.

The Transmutation of Elements is the 4D transformation of phase:

Quantum Phase - quantum charge change (as defined by Tetryonics)
Cycle phase - atomic electron 'orbits'
Wave phase - molecular electron flow cycles
Material phase - change in/of the bound electron lattice

Our "Body Temperature" calibrates our "Body Materials" at the 'Tipping Point' for optimal response/responsiveness for material change (transmutation) in response to changes in the biohelectric-phase-information field.

This is the link between consciousness and body.
It is operated in The PsychoSomatic Principle.

Our body is an electromagnetic-field responsive/interactive structure.
Our body is composed, for this purpose, by/of living body cells.
  4D Body Language
When cells replicate ("divide=multiply") the internal Cell Cycle turns inside-out and becomes Cell Communication.

Molecules therein function as 'messengers' between cells.
Feedforward-Feedback loop-closure therein is called Health.

Each molecule has a physical structure
Each molecule can react chemically.
Each molecule has an electromagnetic atomic spectrum.
Each molecule can change by quantum (photon) change 

The physical structure of the molecule is called Protein.
The chemical effect of the molecule is called Enzyme.
The electromagnetic effect of the molecule is called Hormone.
The photonic quantum effect of the molecule is called Pigment.

The 'physical' protein pertains the level of bound electrons (Matter).
The 'chemical' enzyme pertains the level of electron flow (Molecules).
The 'electromagnetic' hormone pertains the level of electron leaps (Atoms).
The 'light' pigment pertains the level of photon leaps (Quantum Field).

Our body, and our cells, operate the 4D phase change of the universal Electromagnetic Field.
This is the change between quantum-leap <=> electron-leap <=> electron-flow <=> bound electrons ("The Zipper of Manfestation").

The phase change in the Quantum Field is 0D.
The shock wave of the atomic electron leap is 1D.
The traveling wave of the molecular electron flow is 2D.
The standing wave of the material bound electrons is 3D.
  Virus =?= Exosome
Andrew Kaufman posted a video summarising the result of his quest to understand the Covid-19 (Sars-2-19) 'virus'.
(Search for "Andrew Kaufman MD Covid-19 Exosome.)

He found that what is presented as a 'virus' matches, exactly, the description of an exosome.
En exosome is (like a polar body in an ovum, or a protein strand released by a microbe) a Correction by a cell in changing circumstances - an adaptation to stress.

That makes the exosome (thus "Covid-29), a consequence, not a cause.
'Testing for presence of Covid-19' would then only indicate that cells were stresses - by any cause.

This could explain why so many people 'with Covid-19' die, mainly if they have another disease. They die of their existing disease, and the test for 'Covid-19' merely shows cell immune level stress response. It does Not define/identify the Stressor which caused the immune system to 'collapse' resulting in death from their pre-existing disease.
hypothesis: we emerged out of the virus. A virus is not a pathogen, but nanoprocessor; and alive. By combining insights of virus and computer virus, can we come to understand life : the integration of information in matter; with freedom of choice. !

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Location: Amsterdam, Terra
2006.11 / 2020.04 /

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