The Virus Project
  Virus =?= Exosome
Andrew Kaufman posted a video summarising the result of his quest to understand the Covid-19 (Sars-2-19) 'virus'.
(Search for "Andrew Kaufman MD Covid-19 Exosome.)

He found that what is presented as a 'virus' matches, exactly, the description of an exosome.
En exosome is (like a polar body in an ovum, or a protein strand released by a microbe) a Correction by a cell in changing circumstances - an adaptation to stress.

That makes the exosome (thus "Covid-29), a consequence, not a cause.
'Testing for presence of Covid-19' would then only indicate that cells were stresses - by any cause.

This could explain why so many people 'with Covid-19' die, mainly if they have another disease. They die of their existing disease, and the test for 'Covid-19' merely shows cell immune level stress response. It does Not define/identify the Stressor which caused the immune system to 'collapse' resulting in death from their pre-existing disease.

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hypothesis: we emerged out of the virus. A virus is not a pathogen, but nanoprocessor; and alive. By combining insights of virus and computer virus, can we come to understand life : the integration of information in matter; with freedom of choice. !

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